Create a Borderless Classroom with LearnFit Adjustable Desks

360 High School

Ergonomists often say that the best posture is the next posture. This concept guided the design of our LearnFit® height-adjustable standing desks, which allow students to reduce sedentary time and keep their bodies moving outside of recess or physical education class. Instead of sitting for most of the school day, students can alternate between sitting or standing throughout instructional time and respond to their own body’s needs.

This type of low-level physical activity directly impacts metabolic health, contributing to an increased heart rate, greater blood circulation and improved insulin effectiveness. Together, this works to enhance student engagement and academic success. In addition to promoting low-level physical activity (LLPA), access to LearnFit allows students to use PrecisionHeight™ adjustment for more comfortable viewing and to protect their neck and shoulders. These guidelines are more important than ever with 1:1 device initiatives and the prevalence of tablet, laptop and smartphone use among learners.

LearnFit desks continue to make a difference within the classroom for both students and teachers. But educators can also look beyond classroom walls for students to benefit from LLPA. Integrating regular standing across the school throughout the day is easy and creates a borderless, active learning environment.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Media center
  • Place LearnFit desks in formations of three or four in various corners of the media center or library for a quiet place for students to collaborate on group projects or assignments.
  • Have spare LearnFit desks available for staff or students to use as a “shopping cart” or mobile desk. Students can file through the rows of books with a LearnFit desk, look up a quick answer and add it to their notes, or place their picks on the desk instead of carrying a heavy load when bringing them to the check-out or their work area.
  • Have standing height kiosks throughout the area for quick hit computer look-ups.
Physical education or health class
  • Follow this recommendation from one physical education teacher in Seattle who uses LearnFit desks during the instructional portion of her gym class. She has students simply roll them out of the way when the physical activity begins.
  • Consider the same idea for health classes that often require students to sit on the floor or on bleachers if in a gym environment, since those spaces lack standard, stationary desks.
  • Give kids the chance to be more active during their unstructured times, like lunch breaks. Have spare units available and allow students to stand up as they eat or roll to different spots to create groups with their friends
  • Extend the benefit of LLPA to administration and support staff by making sit-stand desks available in individual administration offices, the nurse’s area or break rooms.
  • Improve accessibility to school leadership by equipping them with LearnFit desks as they make their rounds in the school. They can bring their laptop or tablet with them to check email, write notes, and do light administrative work in open locations like a hallway or the back of a classroom.
  • Make the most of limited space by using sit-stand desks to conduct student or staff meetings in the hallway or other non-traditional areas.
  • Give parents of younger school-age children a more comfortable space than miniature tables and chairs for parent-teacher conferences using LearnFit desks.
  • Think beyond the confines of the school building and take the mobile, sit-stand desks outside for students to benefit from the fresh air and sunshine. Students at Hialeah Gardens in Florida use their sit-stand desks to interact with farm animals in their agriscience class.

  • In warmer climates, students can take their desks with them from room to room like these fifth-graders at Emmanuel College in Queensland, Australia.

For more tips on how to transition to sit-stand student desks at your school, check out our LearnFit start-up guide.